Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 152

I am going to be on the ball today, and post for tomorrow because I always slack off on the weekends.

I am updating my summer goals list, because I have actually completed a few more.

1. Take a photography class 
2. Have a drink on as many patios as possible (The Blake House) (it's actually been too humid to sit on patios, but i have gone out for drinks - Hey Lucy's, Canteen, Molly Bloom's)
3. Take advantage of all of Toronto's outdoor events (NXNE)
4. Go to outdoor movies in parks (Rango @ Riverdale)
5. Buy more food from markets (Steak, cherries, potatoes, green beans)
6. Buy a new bicycle ( I have a mountain bike right now, not very street friendly)
7. Buy a helmet!!
8. Take more pictures
9. Read five books (1. Water for Elephants 2. Hunger Games 3. Catching Fire 4. Mocking Jay (Hunger Games series 2-4, absolutely recommend it!))
10. Get in shape for Euro trip in September (Bootcamp Tuesday and Thursdays) ( I made this a goal so many times, and its yet to be achieved.)

Here's to the early mornings when I spent a summer working in a factory. You can't hate waking up at 5:30 int the morning and driving half hour when you get to look at this. I love the summer.


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